Goal Box Instructions
- Carefully consider your goals, both long term and short term.
- Write them down in concise language on plain 3x5 cards. Proper use of your goal box requires a pencil. You may find it useful to organize goals by category, putting several related goals on each card.
- When you feel you have listed all the goals you have right now, review cards to catch any conflicts. Make adjustments for harmony.
- Meditate on these goals for a few minutes. Imagine them coming to pass, and visualize your satisfaction and joy when each one is accomplished.
- Close the box and put it in a place of respect. Keep it clean and tidy. Think of the contents of your goal box as precious jewelry.
- Because your goals are now in the process of becoming real, it is not necessary to dwell on them. Concern yourself with acting in accord with your goals. Allow yourself to trust that your goals will come to pass.
- Every three months or so, read through your goals and make adjustments to the wording.
- Resist the temptation to check the box too often. This implies your lack of trust.
- You may wish to place objects which have special meaning within or near the box.
- Whenever a goal is accomplished, mark through it, or check it off with a date; but do not remove any cards from this box. Whenever you want to add a new goal, just write it down on a new card.
- If you discover that a goal is counterproductive or destructive, erase it thoroughly, but do not remove the card. Replace the old goal with a new one, if appropriate.
- It is probably better to keep these goals as your own private ritual, but if you wish, you may share them with someone you trust.
- It is counter-productive to hold goals that make assumptions about others. Allow other people the freedom to have their own goals, separate from yours.
- Note: this exercise will require the rest of your life. But what else did you plan to do with it?
Shere Chamness © 2006 (written 1983)